We love Hot Stone Massage, especially in the cooler months. It’s not only a great way to relax and revive sore muscles, but there’s also some amazing therapeutic effects from the treatment.
Hot Stone Massage provides a very healing and effective experience. The hot stones expand blood vessels, which increases blood flow throughout the body allowing muscles to be flooded with nutrients. The hot stones can have a sedative effect that can help to relieve chronic pain, reduce stress and promote deep relaxation.
It is thought to have originated in China almost 2,000 years ago. Since then, the technique of using stones for massage and healing has been used in many different cultures, including the Americas, Africa, Egypt, and India.
A hot stone massage uses a combination of both the therapists hands, warm oils and the basalt stones to relax the muscles and ease tension. Stones are placed in various points on the body as well, including the back, hands and feet, where the heat is penetrating into the muscles. It is also believed that the stones create an energy to help calm and clear the mind.
We love the results from performing a beautiful Hot Stone Massage on our clients. It’s a truly unique experience and one which can really help you to feel better overall.
We’d love to see you soon for a Hot Stone Massage